Ok, first off, a disclaimer:  this is what we’re working on.  This is not a finished product.  You are about to see a prototype.  We do not know when they’ll be ready (hopefully taking pre-orders for delivery near the turn of the year, but not certain), we do not know how much they will cost (but hope for something around the $2000 mark), and we do not know exactly how much they will weigh (though our prototype medium was about 37 pounds).  Please do not call to make your order tomorrow.  When they’re ready, please do not admonish us for not meeting any of the aforementioned metrics nor for having the final product differ from what you’re about to see.  Please do not complain that it’s not perfect, because it’s not.. yet.

That being said, I am EXTREMELY excited to say that Bike Friday is on the road to developing an integrated electric tikit.  That’s right, unlike some of the other solutions out on the market, like Electric Cyclery aka Bikefold‘s self-made electric remixes of our standard Bike Friday models with BionX motors, this will not be an afterthought, but a completely integrated solution.  This is not to say that an aftermarket solution won’t be available (we hope), but that that’s not where our focus is.  We’re focused on making a whole package that you can simply buy.

We won’t be the first, but if you take a look at the eZee or EcoBike Vatavio folding electric bikes, you can see that we’re dramatically different in a lot of ways.  And not just the usual Bike Friday ways, either.  Check out the weight.  Because we are so grossly different and because the weight is not tremendous and the ride is so great, I’m surprised to say I’m very excited about this.  I always figured that electric bikes were sort of a waste:  not portable or too heavy or bad riding without the motor or some combination of the above, but this really nips that in the bud.

Don’t believe me?  Check it out for yourself.  Click on the pic above for some more pics and check out the videos below.  One of them is from Power In Motion, who have been really instrumental in helping us with this project.  So to Ken and Molly and Andrew, thanks.

Like what you see?  Get in touch with me so I can keep you on the list and let you know as soon as they are available.